Getting to Know Us

Whatever you do, do it in the spirit of love.
How do you inspire? One way is with the words you say. Our words and actions are very powerful.
Have you ever had words said to you that brightened up your day? Have you ever read something that completely shifted your thoughts and inspired you to do great things? Have you ever felt calm after the kind words of a friend? That’s inspiring.
One word said or seen can bring a smile to a broken spirit, peace to a worried soul and love to a lonely heart. We need these inspiring words everywhere, to overshadow tension and quiet the anxious mind.
This is my mission through Love Inspired Boutique! I’m committed to sharing words of love and inspiration through apparel and accessories. I aim to ignite positive change in the world one product at a time. Even in a passing moment, with just one shirt, we can help our customers make an impact through beautiful inspirational quotes and phrases.
Encourage others with love, kindness, and hope with a Love Inspired design